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- Swimming
- Tennis
- Track & Field
- Volleyball
- Water-Polo
ARROWSOFT Arrow with Foam-Tipped Arrowheads for Beginners
Product Code: FTPA301
Beginner's archery - Archery anywhere, anytime!
More than 20,000 people have used Arrowsoft Beginner Archery Accessories to practice archery at sites across Canada.
Carbon Fiber Arrow with Foam-Tipped Arrowhead:
Our patented foam-tipped arrows are modular, meaning you can attach foam-tipped arrowheads onto the arrow shafts to practice safely in your backyard (or other safe environments).
You can also detach the foam-tip arrowheads for other arrowheads when you want to experiment with other types of arrowheads.
Use them with beginner bow to start practicing archery safely.
- 30” (76 cm) carbon fiber arrow shaft
- The large surface area on the foam tips absorbs more impact
- Protected sleeve installed on fletchings
- Availability: In stock