- Archery
- Badminton
- Baseball & Softball
- Basketball
- Broomball
- Cheerleading
- Dodgeball
- Field Hockey
- Floorball
- Football
- Golf
- Gymnastic
- Handball
- Hockey
- Kin-Ball® - Omnikin®
- Lacrosse & Soft Lacrosse
- Pickleball
- Racquetball et Squash
- Ringuette
- Rugby
- Soccer
- Swimming
- Table Tennis
- Takraw
- Tchoukball
- Tennis
- Track & Field
- Volleyball
- Water-polo
- Bags (multi-purposes)
- Ball pumps / Pressure gauges / Needles
- Carts
- Coaching Boards
- Complementary Equipment
- Cones & Accessories
- Electronic Scoreboards
- Eye Guards
- Foam shapes
- Gym Floor Marking
- Gymnasium Equipment
- I.T.C.A. Equipment
- Mats & Landing Mats
- Odor Control
- Outdoor Marking
- Pinnies
- Portable Stages
- Protective padding
- Stopwatches and radars
- Storage Bags
- Tablecloths
- Therapy & First Aid
- Wall Bars & Climbing Frames
- Whistles
- Early Childhood
- Archery
- Badminton
- Balls
- Baseball & Softball
- Basketball
- Circus & Juggling
- Clothing
- Early Childhood
- Equipment
- First Aid
- Fitness
- Football
- Golf
- Gymnasium
- Gymnastic
- Handball & Tchoukball
- Hockey
- Karate
- Kin-Ball® - Omnikin®
- Lacrosse
- Outdoor
- Pickleball
- Pinnies
- Racquetball & Squash
- Recreational Balls
- Ringette
- Rugby
- Soccer
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Track & Field
- Volleyball
- Water-Polo
Jungle Trial
Product Code: KP5001
WEPLAY Jungle Trial is inspired by forest path, this platform offers different height, width and flat or convex surface for balancing activity.
- Walking on the balance path enables children to feel their center of gravity and learn to keep balance.
- Activities improve body movement, coordination and stability.
- The Logs are flat on one side and convex on the other, which give different challenges when walking on it.
- The Bases are safe and stable obstacles to step over
Includes :
- 4 identical Base and 6 logs (3 pcs/color: Green, Light brown)
- Base: 19'' x 7-3/4'' x 7-1/4'' H (46.8 x 19.8 x 18.7 cm H)
- Log: 23'' x 5-1/2'' x 3-1/2'' H (58.7 x 13.8 x 9.2 cm H)
- Age: 2 years and up
- Maximum weight: 132 lb (60 kg)
- Availability: Available Soon