- Track & Field
- Badminton
- Broomball
- Baseball & Softball
- Basketball
- Cheerleading
- Dodgeball
- Floorball
- Football
- Golf
- Gymnastic
- Handball
- Hockey
- Field Hockey
- Kin-Ball® - Omnikin®
- Lacrosse & Soft Lacrosse
- Swimming
- Pickleball
- Racquetball et Squash
- Ringuette
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- Soccer
- Takraw
- Tchoukball
- Tennis
- Table Tennis
- Archery
- Volleyball
- Water-polo
- Carts
- Stopwatches and radars
- Cones & Accessories
- Odor Control
- Pinnies
- Complementary Equipment
- Gymnasium Equipment
- I.T.C.A. Equipment
- Wall Bars & Climbing Frames
- Foam shapes
- Eye Guards
- Gym Floor Marking
- Outdoor Marking
- Tablecloths
- Ball pumps / Pressure gauges / Needles
- Protective padding
- Storage Bags
- Bags (multi-purposes)
- Portable Stages
- Whistles
- Coaching Boards
- Electronic Scoreboards
- Mats & Landing Mats
- Therapy & First Aid
- Early Childhood
- Track & Field
- Badminton
- Balls
- Baseball & Softball
- Basketball
- Circus & Juggling
- Fitness
- Pinnies
- Equipment
- Football
- Golf
- Gymnasium
- Gymnastic
- Handball & Tchoukball
- Hockey
- Recreational Balls
- Karate
- Kin-Ball® - Omnikin®
- Lacrosse
- Swimming
- Early Childhood
- Pickleball
- Outdoor
- First Aid
- Racquetball & Squash
- Ringette
- Rugby
- Soccer
- Tennis
- Archery
- Clothing
- Volleyball
- Water-Polo
Mini Tug
Product Code: ST-MINITUG
Mini Tug™.
- A Great Fitness Station For 2, 4, or 8 Players !
- The Mini Tug was designed to allow students to participate in tug-o-war activities in a station setting.
- The Mini Tug consists of four 3/4? (19mm) dia. poly ropes connected in the center, allowing students to go one on one, two on two, or even four on four.
- Students are just a few feet apart, making it possible to set up the activity in a relatively small area.
- Each rope also has two knots, spaced 10" (25cm) apart, for maximum grip. A 24" x 1" (60cm x 2.5cm) red "winner strip" hangs down from the center, allowing participants to see when they have crossed the finish line for a win.
- The included activity guide (English only) will cover information on how to use the Mini Tug, safety considerations and how to set up several exciting activities.
- Availability: In stock