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- Protective padding
- Stopwatches and radars
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- Wall Bars & Climbing Frames
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- Circus & Juggling
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- Equipment
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- Gymnasium
- Gymnastic
- Handball & Tchoukball
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- Kin-Ball® - Omnikin®
- Lacrosse
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- Pickleball
- Pinnies
- Racquetball & Squash
- Recreational Balls
- Ringette
- Rugby
- Soccer
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Track & Field
- Volleyball
- Water-Polo
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- GST Composite Leather Football
GST Composite Leather Football
Product Code: F1780X
Patented Accurate Control Lacing (ACL) is pebbled instead of smooth and provides more grip in all conditions.
The highest grade microfiber cover provides excellent durability and pebble definition for enhanced grip.
Two Black Seam bordered Stripes of patented composite material, giving extra grip points.
- Official size #9 (High School & College ages 14+)
- Youth size #7 (7th - 8th grade ages 12-14)
- Junior size #6 (4th - 6th grade ages 9-12)